Are you a teen and a leader in your youth group?

This page last updated: 2003/08/24

Yes? Then check out this new track of seminars! Randy Carter, director of Straight Talk Ministries, will equip you in outreach, spiritual growth and ministry training.

Session A-6
Friday, 8:15pm

Keeping The Main Thing The Main Thing

We will examine God's purpose for the Church and look at how that applies to your youth group.
Session B-6
Saturday, 9:00am

A Solid Foundation

The Bible says that love is the foundation of a healthy youth ministry. Together we will examine and evaluate the atmosphere in your group and look at strategies to get Christ's love flowing in your group.
Session C-6
Saturday, 11:15am

Just A Bunch Of Shepherds

In the New Testament, the word picture that is used to convey the role of leaders is a shepherd. How does this apply today? How can our groups improve in this area?
Session D-6
Saturday, 1:30pm

It's All About Relationships

It is in our relationship with Jesus that we receive the resources we need to be good leaders. This session will challenge leaders to go beyond, "doing devotions!"