Young Adult Track

This page last updated: 2004/09/30

Launching the Next-Gen

If you have a heart for this generation of young adults, you won't want to miss this opportunity. Paul Wegenast, Daniel Schuster and Merlin Bartel share their vision and insight on launching and building a "Next-Gen" ministry.

Session A-19
Friday, 8:15pm

The Epic Journey

God's strategy for launching new ministries has a lot to do with shared journeys and this is our story of how a 'next-gen' church was launched.

Session B-19
Saturday, 9:00am

Team Ministry

The next generation calls for more than lip service to team ministry. Familiarize yourself with team leadership concepts that flow out of a 5-fold commitment to ministry.

Session C-19
Saturday, 11:15am

The Search to Belong

In this seminar you will hear from a number of young adults at Epic - the reasons they connected, and are staying connected, in this unique generational church plant.

Session D-19
Saturday, 2:00pm

Community on the Go!

The church needs to mobilize missionaries of all kinds. Examine what is required when you build a church "preparing to send" versus "equipping to keep and serve."